Park View Care Centre Care home in Ashford, Kent

The staff are excellent carers, very capable and sympathetic to the resident's needs with medical staff who are efficient and vigilant in... Click here to view care homes in Ashford rated 'Good' or 'Outstanding'. Hythe View is located in an attractive building located on North Road, Hythe overlooking the town and with lovely views out to the sea. We have a holistic approach to caring for people and we are all aware that we are...

We saw that staff were recruited appropriately and checks were undertaken to ensure that they were suitable to care for people with nursing needs and dementia. We found that there were enough staff on duty to tend to the needs of the people although at times staff were stretched on one unit. Staff training had improved and supervision and appraisal were being carried out regularly. People’s healthcare needs had been met and were monitored for changes.

Speak to the team

This service has been rated requires improvements at the last two inspections. People and relatives were surveyed for their views and had opportunities through resident and relative meetings to express their views. Their feedback informed the continuous improvement and development of the service.

Staff levels were monitored to make sure they had enough quality time to spend with people. Staff completed regular training and were supported through one to one supervision and appraisals by the manager. • We will continue to monitor the service to ensure that people receive safe, compassionate, high quality care.


At our inspection on 14 January 2014 we found that some people’s care records held on computer did not always reflect all of their current needs, and the information had not always been kept up to date by staff. This meant that staff did not always have access to correct information about people. Staff liaised with health and social care professionals to make sure people received co-ordinated care and support. • This inspection was part of our scheduled plan of visiting services to check the safety and quality of care people received.

Staff had individual supervision sessions approximately every two months. This gave them the opportunity to discuss any concerns about their responsibilities, and any training needs. Staff meetings were held for different groups of staff so that they could discuss relevant issues together.

Dementia-friendly activities

The service was placed into special measures and the provider sent us action plans to tell us what they would do to improve. The service was clean and staff wore the correct personal protective equipment when needed. • At our last inspection, the service was rated "requires improvement" .

park view care home ashford

To help find the right care home for you, here's some questions you can ask when you enquire. For extracts, read the latest CQC inspection for Park View Care Centre. In claiming this listing, you are confirming that this service belongs to you and you agree to only upload true and accurate information. You acknowledge and agree that we may request verification and identity and address documents and information from you in order to complete fraud prevention and identity and address verification checks.

Where care

Our specialist Care Advisers have an unrivalled knowledge of the care landscape of the UK, including care quality, current bed availability and the average cost of care. As stated above, it is only by visiting the home’s that you get a feel for whether it is the right care service for yourself or a loved one. If you let your Adviser know your availability they will happily schedule visits for you to view shortlisted services in Ashford.

We found that people were looked after in a way which respected their independence but also provided them with the care and support they required. People were given a good choice of nutritious food and drink and they enjoyed what they ate. One person told us, "There are always alternatives if you fancy something different, I like a salad sometimes". People told us they liked the staff and that staff treated them kindly and with patience and respect. One person told us “the staff are very good” and another person said “they are so good, they come when I call them”.

TrustedCare offers free help & advice for people looking for care for themselves or a loved one. The service had a complaints procedure and any concerns or complaints from people or relatives were taken seriously and addressed. We viewed all parts of the premises and saw that they were well maintained and visibly clean. We saw that staff followed directions from individual risk assessments to protect people from harm. For example, they kept communal rooms and corridors free of obstacles for people who might be at risk of tripping and falling.

park view care home ashford

Our models of education take account of the needs, feelings and unique experiences of each individual child and young person. At other times we offer an answer phone service so please leave a message and we'll call you back. Residents dining in their own room have the same food options as elsewhere.


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