Park View Care Centre Care Quality Commission

The overall rating for this service is ‘Inadequate’ and the service is therefore in ‘Special measures’. The service was not well-led and there was no proper or robust quality assurance processes in place. At this inspection we found that medicines were not being managed safely and we have issued a new requirement for this breach of regulation. Click the title bar on any of the report introductions below to read the full entry. Residents who choose to receive care at Park View enjoy a number of pleasing attributes, such as private gardens, stylish decorations and comfortably-furnished lounges and dining areas.

park view care home ashford

We saw that staff supported people who needed assistance to eat and drink, and were sensitive and did not rush them. Care planning was not sufficiently person-centred in some cases, but people’s need for independence where possible was considered. People and relatives said they had not been involved in care planning. People’s physical and mental health were regularly assessed to make sure they received effective care and support. They were protected from the risks of abuse, discrimination and avoidable harm.

Guidance for providers

Costs will partly depend on the level of care required - for instance, dementia care may incur additional costs depending on the home. Many care homes support respite stays to help give full-time carers a well-deserved break. In a care home, residents are supported by trained Care Assistants 24 hours a day. We saw that staff gave people choices about where they wanted to sit, what they wanted to do, and what they wanted to eat or drink. People with dementia were supported to carry out different activities throughout the day.

There are two units in the home which accommodate people with nursing needs; and two which accommodate people living with dementia. People were living with a range of care and health needs, including diabetes and Parkinson's. Our team is on hand 7-days a week to help you in your search for residential care in Ashford, simply call, email or start an online chat to be connected to an Adviser.

Where our family cares for your family

If this is your business, you can claim it and manage the information shown to care seekers. Set up an account and claim your listing, to update your company name, address, telephone number and service information. We pride ourselves on our first-rate levels of care and professionalism, which is reflected within our exceptional reviews. Sign up to our mailing list to stay up to date on news from Parkview Care.

park view care home ashford

Through communication, compassion and commitment, Parkview Care changes the directions and ultimately the lives of those we care and support, setting them off on a path to a positive future. With the restrictions on visiting during the pandemic, social media platforms such as these offer real insight when you are choosing a provider. Every registered care provider in the UK can claim a free listing on Autumna.

Why Parkview Care?

"Park View is a great place to work as the residents & staff are a great bunch of people, it's got excellent company values." With over 22 years of experience working in social care, Karen became a valued member of the Park View family when she join in 2016. People told us they liked living at the service and relatives we spoke with were complimentary about it. A relative told us “we are very happy with it here” and “we feel we did the right thing”. At this inspection we found that systems were in place to make sure that care records were kept up to date and these had been followed by staff. Staff told us that they felt supported in their different job roles, and were able to talk with their line managers for any advice.

park view care home ashford

For more information about our food, nutrition and mealtime experience or to view asample menu, please click here. For more information about our approach to dementia care pleaseclick here. No two days are the same here and, alongside our usual daily hobby-based activities, we also like to host events which are a little out of the ordinary. By getting to know each person, we are able to tailor our activities and events to their likes and dislikes as well as activities they may like to try.

Singleton Nursing & Residential Home Limited

At this inspection, we found that there had been much improvement overall; however, some of the issues we raised last time had not been fully addressed. At this inspection we found that some improvements had been made and the breaches had been met. There are still improvements to be made and embedded to ensure improvements were sustained. Marketing Consent I am happy to receive news and communications from RCH Care Homes from time to time. Consent I am happy to receive news and communications from RCH Care Homes from time to time.

This service has been rated requires improvements at the last two inspections. People and relatives were surveyed for their views and had opportunities through resident and relative meetings to express their views. Their feedback informed the continuous improvement and development of the service.

Our care and hospitality professionals curate an excellent range of events designed to meet all tastes and support our residents' cognitive, social and emotional needs. We are incredible proud to have played a major part in many success stories over the past 17 years. We are so pleased to see many of our children & young people go on to achieve amazing things. Our services are designed for children & young people with varying needs and behaviours. We provide same day placements for vulnerable children & young people together with more planned transitions into our care. Our homes offer a welcoming, secure and safe environment for children & young people.

park view care home ashford

They are lovingly cooked and prepared by our in-house catering team and follow the seasons.

Staff were consistently kind and caring and protected people’s dignity. There was a range of activities on offer and people were observed enjoying group crafts and one to one interaction. Equipment was regularly serviced and the risks of fire had been assessed and minimised by routine fire alarm testing, personal evacuation plans and proper maintenance of fire equipment. The premises were well-maintained and improvements to décor were seen. There was appropriate picture signage and equipment such as coloured toilet seats to help people orientate themselves. People told us that they felt safe and well cared for and overall outcomes for most people were good.

park view care home ashford


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